The Knockemout Series by Lucy Score made up of three books along with all the stories sets in small town, Virginia of Knockemout. A thorough guide to Lucy Score’s Knockemout Series in order with all the characters, age rating and short summary as well.
Things we Never Got Over Series Order By Lucy Score

Knockemout Series Books in Order
1 : Things We Never Got Over ( 12 January 2022 )
Knockemout Series Characters
“Knockemout Series ( Book 1 ) “
Things We Never Got Over Series

Synopsis of Things We Never Got Over
Things We Never Got Over story revolves around a character, Naomi, a girl who withdrawal from her own marriage to support her twin sister, Tina. Naomi and Tina are twin sister though, but they are poles apart as Noami is a responsible girl who loves to avail people. On the other side, we have Tina who is irresponsible and has no love and care for others except herself.
Tina doesn’t even care about her sister and daughter because as soon as Naomi arrives in Virginia, she abandoned her with her daughter, Waylay and runs away from Virginia. Tina stoles Naomi’s money and car and runs away not caring about how her sister and daughter is going to survive in such strange place.
There is Noami who did not know that her sister has a 11-year-old daughter. She has no idea about how she is going to live in Knockemout with no money and appliance but still she decides to take care of her niece. In Things We Never Got Over, we have two narrators, firstly we have, Naomi and second is Knox, a male character who enjoy solitude over a company of people. Knox is bad person who is hard on almost all the peoples around him. Knox is a bad person, or we can say a villain, but he has gentle place in his heart for Naomi and her niece, Waylay.
Like, he helps Naomi by giving her a job and place to live near his house. Knox is a kind of person who is tough on almost all the people around him from outside but good person from inside with his heart. Knox is soft and kind to only one person and that is Naomi’s niece, Waylay. He has a special place in his heart for Waylay. As Naomi and Knox comes close, they fall in love with each other and ends up together.
“Knockemout Series ( Book 2 ) “
Things We Hide From the Light By Lucy Score

Synopsis of Things We Hide From the Light
Lucy Score “Things We Hide from the Light” is a sequel of Things We Never Got Over and it follows a love relationship of Nash Morgan, a Chief of Police in Knockemout and a brother of Knox from first book. The second lead character of story is Lina, a girl best friend of Knox from first book. In first book, we were introduced to Lena but doesn’t learn much about her. But in this book, you will learn everything about her as she is one the major character of the book.
The story begins with Nash, who was shot while he was on a mission to stop stole car ring operated by Duncan Hugo. Nash is going through a tough phase of his life since he was shot as he is diagnosed with anxiety, depression & PSTD.
He was a good person with kind and loving heart, but his bullet wound changed him and now he is not a person he used to be. Nash’s life transforms as his brother’s friend, Angelina Solavita (Lina), comes into his life. Lina is shown as an independent and super strong woman. She moves in next door of Nash’s apartment.
Lina sparkles Nash’s life with love and care. She helps him in healing from depression and PSTD. At the end of book, Nash and Lina falls in love with each other while investigating their cases. Nash proposes Lina for engagement by giving her engagement ring which she accepts happily. The story ends with Nash and Lina living together happily.
“Knockemout Series ( Book 3 ) “
Things We Left Behind By Lucy Score

Things We Left Behind Summary
Things We Left Behind is a third and last book from Knockemout Series by Lucy Score. The story of novel follows a love relationship of Sloane, a girl and Lucian, a boy, who knows each other since they were children.