Of Revenge is an Essay written by Francis Bacon. The main theme of Essay “Of Revenge” is Forgiveness and Moving on. In Essay, Bacon has ask us not to take revenge as it is not good and instead we should start forgiving people because it sets you free.

Summary of “Of Revenge” By Francis Bacon
The story begins with Bacon who say it is in human nature to take revenge. We want to take revenge from people who hurt us or abuse us. But taking revenge is not a good idea as it is a wild type justice. We should kill our feeling of taking revenge from people.
We can’t just waste our life in taking revenge from people as we do have other important things to do in life. The more people will go towards the direction of revenge the more law will come into their hands. So Revenge is for wild peoples only. Revenge is not for civilized society where people live by rules and regulations. The best way to take revenge from people is to take legal action against them.
If you decide to take revenge by yourself that means you are neglecting existence of laws. Bacon says if you forgive people instead of taking revenge from them than you would become morally superior. There is famous character of Bible, King Solomon who once said, it is the glory of a man to pass by an offence.
If something happened with you in past, it is passed and it would never come back. So don’t waste your time in thinking about it in present and move on. Focus on present and future life instead of past life. Bacon say the people who concentrate on taking revenge, it means they are wasting their time. Don’t waste your time and energy on taking revenge, just move on.
People don’t do bad things because it is bad they do it for their own personal benefits. They do it for money, honor and dignity. Revenge has no end as it is pointless. Civilized society has no place for revenge, if something bad happens with you try to forgive them or if you can’t then you can take legal action against them.
Bacon say there are some circumstances where taking revenge is necessary, but during revenge you have to be careful and clever otherwise your enemies would get an advantage and they can use it against you. You can forgive your enemies but not friends. If your friends has done something very bad to you then you should not forgive them.
Friends are friends but if they are giving you pain then you should leave them. When people think about taking revenge all the time then he stored it in his memories and keep freshening it in his mind which gives him nothing but mental pain. Revenge memory is very painful for mental health. It distracts us from our professional life.
There are two types of revenge, Private and Public Revenge. Public revenge brings prosperity but Private revenge people live miserable life.