Summary of “Of Love” By Francis Bacon

Of Love is an Essay written by British Poet, Francis Bacon. In essay “Of Love”, we sees a negative attitude of Francis Bacon about Love.

Summary of "Of Love" By Francis Bacon

Summary of “Of Love” By Francis Bacon

The story begins with writer who say, love we see in theaters is not comparable to people’s real life. “Love” is a favorite theme of Movie Directors and Producers as it earn them money. In Real life, love is very harmful. Sometimes love seduce us sweetly like Siren and take us toward destruction.

Love leads people to destruction and death. Noble and Great people doesn’t let love interfere in their life. Love is a more passion than emotion which make people weak. People in love oppose truth and use artificial language to express their feelings.

Sometimes great people also goes crazy in love. If discipline and self denying men don’t be careful then love can destroy them as well. There is saying of Epicurus, that human should be satisfy in study of other human beings as they can learn lots interesting things through it than by falling madly love.

Human should meditate and think about bigger things rather than wasting time in love. Here writer trying say, sometimes beloved can make us slave. Slave eyes only look into women beauty. Love is like hunger which only cure by eyes. The God has given eyes to people to see noble things but lover misuse it. He make his beloved his god and worship her by forgetting his real god. When man falls madly in love, he starts neglecting the world.

We should be far away from love passion as it just give us damage and nothing else. It kills your achievement, goals and focus from life. When Lover fails in love, they starts drinking and goes in depression. Love only give us damage.

Love is very powerful as it make human its slave especially when men is mentally weak. People become mentally weak when he is living a very happy life or living a very bad life. When people falls in love, they starts doing crazy things.

Love doesn’t let people achieve purpose in life. Keep your love away from your business and professional life because if it enters in your business life it would harm your progress. It is strange that warriors fall in love easily maybe because they live a dangerous life and to compensate it they drink and make love with woman.

 There are three types of Love, First, Husband – Wife love as it is beneficial for their children, Second is friendly love which makes mankind perfect, third is immoral love which prostitutes receive. Immoral love is corrupt because it’s a lust. If you want to leave a happy and peaceful life than stay away from love. Never fall in love with wrong person as it would give you nothing but pain.

Love is beautiful when you fall in love with right person but if you fall in love with wrong person it will destroy your life. The real love is parents love for us which is an unconditional love. Love your parents and real friends as they never betray.



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