Of Studies is an essay written by famous English Philosopher and statesman, Francis Bacon. The Essay was first published in 1597 and it was republished with new vocabulary in 1612. The main theme of essay, “Of Studies” is “Studies”.

Summary of Of Studies By Francis Bacon
The story begins with writer who say, Studies are very important in our life. First, it increase our knowledge and sharpen our mind and skills. Uneducated people can’t be mature like Educated people as educated people understand thinks better and take better decision.
Study has three purpose mainly, first we study to gain delight and enjoyment. Second, we study to make our life better, we study to get better job or to increase our earning. Third, we study to increase our ability.
You can choose any of these purpose to make your life better. If you keep study, it will increase your knowledge day after day. The writer say, a well read man can manage their day to day life better, he can take better decision in his life and he would be mature enough. On the other side, uneducated people can’t think about many things as his thinking would be very narrow.
The writer say, studies has many benefits but it also has few demerits. First, by reading to much you can become a lazy person, second, bookish knowledge is not enough, you can also learn from nature and people. We need practical knowledge as much as we need theoretical knowledge.
The writer say, deceitful man always say wrong thing about study, they consider study waste of time as they have always done wrong things and approve wrong practices.
The writer say, there are different types of books, few books are like which we just need to taste, few we need to smell and few we have to digest. If book is simple and doesn’t have much details then you should not read it in depth. If book is giving moderate knowledge, then we need to read its basic only. And if book is of good quality and everything written in it is important then we must read it thoroughly.
The writer say, reading is important as it sharpen your mind but writing is more important than that. Writing makes our memory sharp, we forget things which we just read but writing help us in remembering things for long time. If person does less writing then his memory would be very sharp, if person talk less then he would be very mature, if person read less then he is just acting to be mature as reading, writing and sharing are very important.
When you do reading, writing and sharing, your knowledge will increase faster. Out of all the things in reading, writer praises poetry the most. The writer say, reading poem makes person very intelligent. There are different subjects which we can read to get different benefits.
Like by reading mathematics we would become more skillful, reading philosophy makes our intellect better and if we study morality subjects then we would become a better person.
At the end of essay, writer say, calm and sharp mind can leave in healthy body only. There are many diseases which our body can cure by exercising. There are many exercises we can do to make our mind healthy.
The most important exercise for our mind is reading, reading is an exercise for our mind which makes our mind better and calmer. For example, if we study Math, it helps our mind to focus on thing. Reading is not just helpful to us, we can also use it to help our surroundings people.
Francis Bacon was English Philosopher and statesman who was born in 22 January 1561. Francis has served as Attorney and Lord Chancellor of England. His famous work include, Novum Organum and History of Life and Death.