Don’t Call me Indo-Anglian is a poem written by Syed Amanuddin. The story of poem begins with poet who says don’t call me Indo-Anglian. I don’t like when people call me Indo-Anglian.

Summary of Don’t Call Me Indo-Anglian By Syed Amanuddin
The story of poem begins with poet who says don’t call me Indo-Anglian. I don’t like when people call me Indo-Anglian. Whenever someone calls me Indo-Anglian, I feel like illegitimate person. The poet says Indo-Anglian is a hotchpotch of culture. Therefore, I don’t want to be a hotchpotch of culture.
The poet don’t want to be called Anglo-Indian, not because he don’t like the culture, it is because using this word for one of the two cultures would reduce their affinity towards it. I don’t want to be a confusion between two languages. You are trying to tie me between two culture, Indo and an Anglian but its an abortive affair.
I hate hyphens in my writings which connect two words then how can you expect me to tie with two relation, Indo and an Anglian. It is like an artificial bridge between artificial values in the name of race, religion and language. I hate those hyphenated minds which create these types of categories. Such people are a victims of prejudice and their souls are unenlightened.
I’m not a fallen moon rock specimen from sky which you can investigate through your labels. I don’t want to be a Moon rock specimen who you can analyzed, labeled and stored. The poet says people who call me Indo-Anglian I don’t know what they mean as I don’t understand this word.
Although, I am living in foreign country but Cauvery river flow in my veins, my mind has chamundi hills whereas there’s a goddess picture imprinted in my eyes who smile after killing a demon. And Vrindavan fountains resides in my soul. Therefore, how can I be an Indo-Anglian.
All these things are in my mind and body but I still say that I am not tied with my childhood. Therefore, don’t put me in Indian category by making a base of these things. In simple words, do not put me in any category.
I have learned multiple languages and I have carried these languages forward by holding their ears like a child. I have read lots of books to find the truth. I have burned candles in the caves of prejudice. I have flown around the world with the wings of my thoughts yet people call me Indo-Anglian.
These people have got the wrong information that’s why they keep calling me Indo-Anglian. These people are bent upon to make me a part of small group of writers where I’m cloistering and crippling.
I want to roam with Kalidas or Kabir or want to go on a spiritual journey with Dante. I would meditate with Khayyam on mathematics or sing anguish of love with Ghalib. Or I would try to kiss the moon’s reflection on river with Li Po.
It is true that I write in English, I dream in such language which was of Shakespeare and Keats. But I am not an Anglo. I am a poet. I am that type of poet who is known by different names for forty centuries. I am now Amanuddin.