The Bachelor of Arts is a novel written by Indian writer and Novelist, R.K Narayan. The novel was originally published in 1937. The story of novel sets in fictional town, Malgudi.
Synopsis of The Bachelor of Arts By R.K Narayan

Summary of The Bachelor of Arts By R.K Narayan
The story of novel revolve around a life of Chandran, a B.A final year student from Albert College. He is a great speaker. There comes new character, Natesan, a Secretary of college union who suggest Chandran to be a prime mover of resolution, “Historians should be killed”. Chandran is scared of his History professor therefore he reject the proposal. But due to Natesan insistence Chandran agreed to speak in Debate.
The story introduces new character, Mr. Brown, principal of college who operate Debate in which Chandran receive best speaker award. Chandran goes late at home and fears his father but then he tell him about his best speaker award.
Chandran goes at theatre with his friend, Ramu, where he see his college principal, Brown with a girl. Chandran looks at his principal and says that white people are born to enjoy life. Chandran and Ramu returns home after watching a movie. Thereafter, Chandran make a schedule of his studies, he make a plan to wake up early and to study from 8 pm to 11:30 pm.
He made a strict decision to study from November to March. First day of his plan, Chandran follows everything strictly. Chandran has a younger brother, Sinu, who study in Albert Mission School. In college, Chandran is taught by Gajapathi.
Gajapathi is strict teacher to whom no one like. He doesn’t give his students more than 40 marks. He instruct his students to head down and be busy with pen. Chandran makes Gajapathi’s sketch instead of making notes in class. One day, Ragavachar, a professor of history calls Chandran in his room and made him a secretary of Historical association.
Chandran talks with Natesan about the inauguration of Historical association. He decide to talk with Mr Brown after Natesan’s advice. He goes to meet Mr. Brown but his assistant, Azeez, doesn’t let him meet. Chandran promise to Azeez that he would give him his old coat if he let him meet with Brown. Afterwards, Azeez let Chandran to meet principal, Brown. Mr. Brown accept Chandran request and write it down on his diary.
Brown inaugurate it successfully on 15 November. As Chandran was getting disturb in studies, he decide to wake up at 4 am in morning. Chandran’s father also wake up early in morning as someone was robbing their flowers.
Next day, When Chandran wakes up early to study, his father and brother also wake up with him to catch thief. Therefore, Chandran’s father ask him to close the lamp. Chandran also join his father and brother to catch thief. But that day thief doesn’t come. Second day, all of them wake up at 4 am and catch the thief. They dragged him to their home. The thief turned out to be a Sanyasi, Chandran’s mother who is afraid of god’s wrath, lets thief go.
Chandran is busy with his Historical association meetings. The story now features new character, Veeraswami, a 22 year old revolutionary ideology person. Chandran also meets a poet, Mohan. Veeraswami read Anti-British essay in meeting which make Chandran awkward.
Then principal, Brown ordered that no one can read an essay without showing it to Chandran. Chandran like Mohan’s poems. In march, Chandran completed all his course. After passing exams, Chandran become graduated.
He get different types of advice for his future life, like some advise him to study law while some advise to do a preparation of IAS. But Chandran want to go England to get a Doctorate. He want to give lectures in India after taking Doctorate degree from England. Chandran’s friend, Ramu goes in Pune for Law studies.
As Chandran is alone now, he spend his time in Library and evening in banks of river. One evening, Chandran saw a girl on banks of river and he falls in love with her. He keep thinking about that girl. Even at night, when he goes to sleep he think about her.
Next day, Chandran wears his best suit and comes at banks of river. But she doesn’t meet him today. Chandran gets upset and think about leaving Malgudi. Second day, Chandran goes again at banks of river and find that girl in green dress. He follows her till her home. Her home was in front of his friend, Mohan’s hotel.
Chandran with the help of Mohan learn about the girl name which is Malathi. Afterwards, Chandran talk with his father for his marriage with Malathi. But Chandran’s mother is not much interested in this relationship. Chandran ask her mother to not to ask for dowry as it would cause problem in their marriage.
After three days, Chandran’s father learn that Chandran and Malathi’s horoscope are not matching. Chandran tries his best to marry Malathi but it doesn’t happen. Chandran write letter to Malthi to wait for 2 years as after 2 years their horoscope would match. He gave letter to Mohan to give it to Malathi. But Mohan doesn’t give letter to her as Malathi’s marriage is already fixed with somebody else.
When Chandran get to know about it, he get very upset and sad. He leave Malgudi and goes to Madras. There, he stays in hotel instead in his uncle’s home. In hotel, Chandran meet a person named Kailash. Kailash is a characterless person who takes Chandran to many places. Kailash has two wives still he comes to Madras to meet prostitute.
Chandran does not like Kailash so he goes to Mylapura. In Mylapura, Chandran become Sanyasi with the help fo Barber. He walk around in many villages and become very thin. After 8 months, Chandran goes to village called Koppal where people ask him lots of question. He keep himself quiet and does not talk with anyone.
The villagers request him to stay in their village and gives him lots gifts. He become dependent on their donation. As Chandran isn’t satisfied with his current situation, he leave the village and goes to Madurai.
In Madurai, Chandran goes to Telegraph office where he tell postmaster all his past things and request to send telegram to his father. The postmaster accept Chandran’s request. Chandran change his dress and goes back to his family in Malgudi. His family gets very happy to see him.
Chandran learns that Ramu got a job in Bombay. At evening, Chandran calls Mohan and both meet at banks of river. Chandran has become a mature person now, he spend morning two hours in garden, and calls Mohan at evening. He keep himself busy for whole day and try to avoid a thoughts of Malathi.
He is also worrying about his career now. Mohan suggest Chandran to buy chief agency of daily messenger. Chandran discuss about it with his father and goes to Madras with his 40 years old Uncle’s help.
After few interviews and formalites , Chandran got the agency. After coming to Malgudi, he gets busy in his work. One day, Chandran’s father come to his office and tells him that his horroscope is matched with girl named Sushila, a very beautiful girl who lives in Talapur.
But Chandran denied to marry. At evening, Mohan comes to Chandran’s office and both goes to Hotel and then at Banks of river. They talk for hours and both share their life problems with each other. Mohan advice Chandran to marry.
Chandran flip a coin and agrees that he will marry if girl would be beautiful. After five days, Chandran goes at Talpur with his family to see girl. And he like girl very much. After 15 days, Chandran get engaged with Sushila. He invite all his friend in his marriage. He compare Malathi and Sushila and considered Sushila more beautiful as compare to Malathi. Chandran is changed person now, he enjoy his life with his wife.