Ayush Antiwal

The Best Books of Sudha Murthy in Order to Read

Here is a list of best books written by Famous Indian author, Sudha Murthy, a chairperson of the famous IT company, Infosys. Sudha Murthy has written nine novels, four technical books, three travelogues, one collection of short stories and two collections of non-fiction pieces, including How I Taught My Grandmother to Read and Other Stories (Puffin 2004).


Wise and otherwise is a accumulation of 51 short stories inspired by real life experiences of Sudha Murthy. The Stories of wise and otherwise are real life stories which may have happened in a life of Sudha Murthy and it shows the good and bad qualities of Human nature and it also show us things like how people react in different kind of situations. The book also teaches us like how people with abundance of wealth are still living a life without purpose and on the other hand some people starts with nothing end up achieving great things in life.

How I taught My Grand daughter to Read and other stories ( 2004 )

The Fictional Novel “How I Taught My Grandmother to Read” follows a journey of two characters named Triveni and her unlettered old grandmother named Krishtakka and it shows how Triveni help her grandmother in making her well educated woman. In childhood, Krishtakka never get a chance to go to school because at that time women were not allowed to have education. But when Krishtakka was sixty years old she made a goal to make herself educated by setting an impossible of reading a novel in short time frame.

Three thousand Stitches ( 2017 )

Three thousand Stitches is accumulation of stories or experiences which Sudha Murthy learned throughout her life. The interesting story of novel is a story of Three thousand stitches which author shared in a first chapter of a book. In first chapter author shared her experiences from her first project which she took when she joined Infosys as chairperson. Sudha ji was young when she joined Infosys as chairperson and she chooses to work for the well-being of Sex workers in north Karnataka.

The Magic of the Lost Temple ( 2015 )

The story of “Magic of Lost Temple” revolve around a 12 years old girl named Nooni who lives in Bangalore and study in Kendra Vidhalya school. Nooni father is a Doctor and her mother named Usha is a banker who works in a bank. In every summary vocation Nooni’s family has a tradition in which they goes for a 10 days trip nearby of their town.

The Mother I never Knew : Two Novellas ( 2014 )

A story of “The Mother I Never Knew” follows two characters, Venkatesh and his brother, Mukesh. Venkatesh and Mukesh were living a happy life but their life changes as they learned a shocking truth about their mother.

House of Cards : A Novel ( 2013 )

The Domestic Fictional Novel “House of Cards” is relatable to almost all the women who lives in villages towns and yearns for care and love from their family. The story of book follows a journey of Mridula, a passionate and energetic woman who belongs to small village of Karnataka. Throughout the book Mridula meets a man named Sanjay, a doctor who falls in love with Mridula and they end up getting married and settled in Bangalore.

Grandma’s Bag of Stories ( 2012 )

The story of “Grandma’s Bag of Stories” revolves around a summer vacation of seven children and their loving grandmother known as Ajji, who share one story a day to all her grandchildren. The Story starts with Seven children who visits their grandmother home in summer in Shiggaon. The Children’s grandmother has a lots of stories which she share with her grandchildren one story in a day. All the children love listening their grandmother stories and they have developed a great love for her Ajji.

Dollar Bahu ( 2003 )

The story of “Dollar Bahu” centers around a guy named Chandru who shifted from Bangalore to Darward to find a better job where he meets a orphan girl named Vinuta, a beautiful girl who love singing and before he propose her, he gets a great job opportunity in United States. Chandru shifts in US but later on we learns that his brother named Girish who works in a bank get married to Vinuta.

Maheshweta ( 2000)

The story of “Mahesweta” follows major character, Anupama, a very beautiful and intelligent woman who posses great qualities but the only barrier she has is that she came from a poor family as her father is school teacher in village which only fulfill their basic needs. Anupama was grew up with her stepmother because her mother died a long time ago when she was just 10 years old. The story of book revolves around Anupama and her fairytale love story with Anand.

The Bird with Golden Wings ( 2009 )

The Bird with golden wings is a story about a poor little girl named Varsha who feed a bird with all the food she had. Varsha later on get reward for her kindness on bird and she get golden bird as gift for her kindness. The second major character of book is greedy fisher woman who desires to become super rich and wealthy but end up having nothing at all.

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