To India – My Native Land is a patriotic poem written by Indian poet, Henry Louis Vivian Derozio. The poem was originally published in 1831. The main theme of poem is Love for my country.
To India – My Native Land By Henry Louis Vivian Derozio

Summary of To India My Native Land by H.L.V Derozio
The poem was written when India was slave to Britishers. The story of poem begins with poet who say, my country, there are days when your past was very glorious. Poet is comparing India with Goddess who used to be respected by everyone in past.
You had very glorious past. In past, you achieved greatness in Science, Art and Architecture etc. At that time, you had halo circle behind your head and you were worshiped as a Goddess. Where is that glory now ? Where the reverence now ?
In first four lines of poem, poet compares India with Goddess. In the next five lines, poet would compare India with eagle. You are like an eagle who is captured in chains and now you are grovelling in the dust. You are not free because Britishers are ruling you now. You grovelling in dust because you think that you can’t do anything now.
You are thinking that you would spend your whole life in Sadness. We can’t sing a song for your glory now, we can only sing about your sorrow and pain now. You are slave, your freedom has taken away from you so no one would sing a song for you for praises. They can only sing about your sorrow and pain. You are not doing your best to achieve your freedom.
Well, let me dive into the depths of time, which means let me go into past and let bring out the gone time. Here poet means, let me go into past time and bring out lost pride and shine so that today’s people can know how glorious and famous India was.
My hard work price would be that people would know your pride again and understand your value. My fallen Country, I have only one wish from you which is I want you to return to your old glory and become famous like you were before. Break your slave chains, become Independent and come out from Britishers rules.