The Freaks is a poem written by famous Indian woman author, Kamala Das. The poem was originally published in 2022. The main theme of poem is detachment and close relationship.

Summary of The Freaks By Kamala Das
Kamala Das’s “The Freaks” deals with the theme of love like other poems of her. In poem, poet has followed the theme of love which she generally does. The poet tells us about the feelings she feels when she and her lover are in bed.
They feel excited before intercourse but lose their excitement during act. Her lover doesn’t know how to properly move his fingers on her body. The poet’s lover isn’t passionate enough to awaken her feelings. She realize that her marriage is fail marriage even though they are living together for long years.
The story of poem begins with poetess who says, when he talks and turn his black chicks towards me, his mouth look like a dark cave. Here poet is talking about her lover who look like black cave to her. My lover mouth looks like cave and his teeth look like a stalactites of cave.
Here poet mean to say, her lover’s teeth were uneven which she doesn’t like and that is why she have mentioned about it in poem. His right hand is on my knee while our minds are willed to race towards love.
We lovers mind only wander, and get stuck in a puddle of desire. Can this man with his quick fingers unleash her intense feelings ? Who can help us, we lived together for long years still not able to love properly. We failed in love.
The poetess says my heart is like an empty cistern, waiting from long time to fill. I am a freak. I do false pretense while making love with my lover. I do false pretense while intercourse even though I am not having the same feelings which my lover is having. Here poet mean to say, her lover does not able to awaken her feelings, he just satisfies his hunger.