Summary of “Of Marriage and Single Life” By Francis Bacon

Of Marriage and Single Life is an essay written by Francis Bacon. The essay was originally published in 1612. Of Marriage and Single life explores the idea of better life between married and single life.

Of Marriage And Single Life Summary by Francis Bacon
Summary of "Of Marriage and Single Life" By Francis Bacon
Of Marriage and Single Life by Francis Bacon

Summary of “Of Marriage and Single Life” By Francis Bacon

The story of essay begins with Bacon who say, married men are tied, they afraid to take risk as they have responsibility of his wife and children. So married man cannot live an adventurous life. Before doing anything, married people think about their wife and children.

They can’t take any action which can risk their family security. The men who have family to look after they take action thoughtfully. Their children become impediments for them due to which they can’t take big action either it is noble or harmful.

An ambitious ideas are not for family man as it affect their family welfare. Therefore, Single and childless people can only do great things for the society. The single people doesn’t have family to look after so they can easily give their attention and time to society. It is reasonable thing that married men always think about future of their family.

There are third type of people apart from single and married men who just think of their own personal benefit. They don’t care about future as they live for present only. There are rich greedy people who consider having children as waste of money and feel proud to be childless.

Why people love to be unmarried ? The people love to be unmarried because it gives them freedom to do anything in life. There are crazy peoples who love their freedom so much that they never marry. These people doesn’t have family so they give their full attention to their friends and work.

Bacon believes priest should never marry because their work is to share love, sympathy and money to the public. If priest is married, he would prioritize his family instead of public. Therefore, priest should never marry as it is their work to share love, sympathy and money to public.

For Soldiers, marriage is important, very important. It is important for a soldier to get married because while serving on the border, it will always be on his mind that if today I am on the border, my family is safe, then he will fight well.

Second thing is soldiers family and children become their inspiration and it gives them a power to fight with enemies bravely. The Turkish don’t like their soldiers to be married and as a result they become vulgar because marriage refine soldier and make them pure.

The unmarried people are more charitable as compare to married people because unmarried doesn’t have to save money for their family so they do charity. But unmarried people are unkind and hardhearted, married people have family which demands things from them and they become softhearted for their children while unmarried people doesn’t get a chance to develop soft feelings.

Sir Francis Bacon says, “Wives are young men’s mistresses; companion for middle age; and old men’s nurses”. When wife is young she shows her passionate love and romance to her husband, in middle age she become companion of her husband, and in old age she become her husband nurse.

It is often that bad husband get good wives, and they behave badly with their wife, and if they show some kindness to their good wife she get very happy. Wife are always good to their husband whether their husband is good or bad.







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