“Reminders of Him” is a contemporary romance novel written by famous American author “Colleen Hoover” and it was originally published in 18 January 2022. The Story of novel follows a character, Kenna Rowan, a 26 years old women who is sentenced for five years in prison as she was involved in drunk and driving car accident in which her boyfriend died.

“Characters of Reminders of Him”
Kenna Rowan : A lead character of novel who was in prison for five years.
Scotty : A boyfriend of Kenna, who died in car accident.
Diem : A daughter of Kenna and Scotty.
Ledger Ward : A bar owner who is a best friend of Scotty.
Reminders of Him By Colleen Hoover Summary
The Story of novel revolves around a character, Kenna Rowan, a 26-year-old troubled woman who has just released from prison after serving five years in it. She was in prison for five years because she was associated with drunk and driving car accident in which her boyfriend, Scotty died. When Kenna was going in prison, she learns that she is pregnant with her late boyfriend, Scotty’s child. She was forced to give her baby to Scotty’s parents as she cannot keep the baby in prison.
After serving five years in prison, she is looking for her child to whom she was forced to give up at the beginning of her sentence. During her five years sentence, Kenna was not allowed to meet her baby as Scotty’s parents has taken all parental rights from her. She does not have any rights on her only daughter, Diem. Sometimes, Kenna feels good for her daughter, Diem, as Scotty’s parents are taking care of her but as mother, she misses her daughter and wants to see her.
As Kenna is released from prison, she tries to reconnect with her daughter as she has never seen her since she was born. She has never taken her daughter in her arms. On the other side, we have Scotty’s parents, who don’t want Kenna to meet Diem, as for them Kenna is a real culprit who murdered their son. Scotty was the only son they had but unfortunately, he died because of Kenna’s mistake, so now they are left with his daughter, Diem, to whom they don’t want to lose. Diem is everything to Scotty’s parents, she is their world.
As Kenna arrives in town, she goes to a bar which was a bookstore before where she used to go with her late boyfriend, Scotty. There comes a new character, Ledger Ward, a bar owner who is late Scotty’s best friend. Ledger seems attracted to Kenna; he asks her to meet him in the evening. They had a word in the evening through which Kenna learns that Ledger is her boyfriend Scotty’s best friend. Ledger has a strong relationship with her daughter and Scotty’s parents as he is their neighbor.
The story of “Reminders of Him” is told from two points of view and that is from Kenna and Ledger’s point of view. As we dip into Scotty’s accident through Ledger’s perspective, we learn that during Kenna and Scotty’s car accident Kenna just runs away when Scotty was badly injured and trapped in car. She doesn’t call anyone for help. if she would have called someone for help, Scotty may have survive the accident.
The story now jumps to the present where Kenna has come to meet her daughter, Diem in Scotty’s parents’ house. She is standing in front of their house to meet her, but Ledger, who lives near Scotty’s house, saw her, and immediately recognized her. He stopped her and kept her away from meeting Diem as he believed because Kenna, his best friend Scotty, is no more. Sometimes, Ledger feels bad for Kenna as he is keeping a mother away from her daughter. He tried to help her by showing her videos and photographs of Diem. The first part of novel ends with Ledger giving Kenna, a job in his bar.
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