Democracy is a system where people choose government. Our country, India is democratic country where we vote in every five years to choose a government of our choice. We decide whether BJP will rule or Congress will rule. A country where people choose their government is known as Democratic Country.

Summary of Pillars of Democracy Class 11 in English
Dr. B.R Ambedkar says, there are three pillars which are very important for Democracy. The three pillars of Democracy are Equality, Fraternity and Liberty. Dr. B.R Ambedkar has played a crucial role in creating a constitution of our country. And that is why Dr. B.R Ambedkar is a father of Indian constitution.
So the question is what is constitution ? Constitution is a book where all the fundamental principles are written. Constitution is supreme and every citizen of country has to work under it whether he is Prime Minister or Judge or a President of Country.
Dr. B.R Ambedkar say, to run a Democracy appropriately we have to achieve social and economic objectives. Every person should be socially equal, there should be no discrimination of the basis of caste, religion and color. The way of achieving Social and economic objectives method should be constitutional. You can’t take any illegal steps to achieve Social and economic objectives.
There was a person named John Stuart Mill, a English philosopher and Member of Parliament. John Stuart Mill said, you should not give your freedom to anyone no matter who he is. Your freedom is most important. And we should not give so much power to single person that he can destroy the country. Our country most powerful person is Prime Minister but still he too cannot do as he pleases. Prime Minister too has to work within the limits of laws.
In America, President is the most powerful person of country but he too has to follow constitution. Constitution is supreme, we cannot give much power to single person otherwise they would do things with their own wish. If we would give so much power to single person, then he would destroy the country. There is no one in this world is so great that we give him our freedom. Our freedom is most important so we can’t give to anyone in the world. If person is great we should respect them but we can’t give our freedom to them.
Irish Patriot Daniel O’Connel once said, ” No man can be grateful at the cost of his honor, no woman can be grateful at the cost of her chastity and no nation can be grateful at the cost of its liberty.” “Don’t do Hero worship.” We should respect great personality but we can’t make them god as they are human being like us.
The Indian constitution came into force on 26 January 1950. After 26 January 1950, we are living according to our constitution. Our country constitution was ready in November 1949 but it came into force on 26 January because we sworn an oath in 26 January 1930 that we will liberate our country and live by our own laws and regulations. So that is why Constitution came into force on 26 January only.
We must accept that there is inequality in our society and we can’t cure it without accepting it. We must give equality to everyone whether they are from small caste, different religion and poor or rich. We are first Indian, then we are Hindu, Muslim or Christian.