Today we are going to discuss famous poem “Bequest” by Eunice De Souza. The poem was originally published in 1990 in poet’s collection “Way of Belonging”. Bequest is 21 lines poem which is divided into five Stanzas. The main theme of poem is patriarchy, womanhood, convention vs individualism.
Bequest Poem Summary By Eunice De Souza

Summary of Bequest By Eunice De Souza
Bequest means to give or leave something by will. In poem, poet is be questing her feelings, emotions, wishes and her heart to the world. The story of poem begins with poet who says in every catholic home there is a picture of Jesus Christ in which Jesus is bleeding from chest and keep his hand on his heart. Christ keeps his hand on his chest to stop the bleeding.
Christ is symbol of human love and affection. Here poet is trying to say Christ faced tremendous pain and sorrow for his love and affection for the people. The poet is comparing herself with Christ, the way Christ faced tremendous pain in his time, she is also facing lots of problems today but her problems are different from Christ as she is facing patriarchy.
Due to male Dominating society, poet is downhearted. The only person with whom poet haven’t share her heart feelings and thoughts is her hairdresser. Hairdresser is the only one with whom poet haven’t share her ideas. Otherwise, poet is bold enough to share her thoughts and feelings to the world. The poet isn’t scared or ashamed to tell the world about male dominating society.
In the next stanza, poet tell us about the perception of Society for women. What Society says. Few people recommend that women must follow stern standards of society. While others ask to float along. Its not you are the only woman who is facing these rules and regulations.
So accept whatever you are getting. Christ once said, we should accept whatever we are getting as nothing is good or bad. Whatever happens, happen for a reason. But why should I accept the rules and regulations of Society. I want change and I will keep speaking about it until I get it.
The poet says I wish I could be a wise woman like society wants. What is a wise woman for society ? For society, wise woman is someone who is a good housewife, who take care of her In-laws, husband, children and serve food on time. In all these definition, there is no definition for woman, like taking care of herself, following her dreams and freedom to travels anywhere in the world.
The time has come to do an act of charity for myself, I want to do something for myself, I should do something for my own welfare. I should donate my heart like it is a spare kidney. Here poet is comparing heart which is most important part of body to a spare kidney.
I should donate my emotions, feelings and wishes along with my heart to an enemy. We all knows who is poet’s biggest enemy which is male dominating society. Then only I will be able to live my life peacefully in male dominating society. To become a wise women for society, we woman have to donate our heart feelings and emotions.
Eunice De Souza was a famous Indian English poet and novelist who was born in 1 August 1940. Her famous work include Women in Dutch painting, Ways of Belonging and Dangerlok.