Summary of Advice to Women By Eunice De Souza

Today we are going to discuss Eunice De Souza’s famous poem “Advice to Women”. In poem, poet advises all the women who faced problems in their relationship with their lovers.

Advice to Women Poem By Eunice De Souza
Summary of Advice to Women By Eunice De Souza
Advice to Women Poem Summary

Summary of Advice to Women By Eunice De Souza

In poem, poet advises all the women who faced problems in their relationship with their lovers. The poet advises women, if your lover does not looking after you and is indifferent to you then you should not get angry on them but show a different behavior. For that you need to practice and the best way to practice is to pet a cat.

The story of poem begins with poet who says pet a cat if you want to deal with the otherness of your lover. Here poet is asking women to keep a cat because Cats are completely different animal. While dogs are socialize animal, they understand us and obey our orders but cats shows indifferent behavior they doesn’t care about Human and they have Royalty.

Cats are indifferent as they are not much attracted to humans and as well as they are very modest. So whoever keep a cat they also tolerate their tantrums. So poet is trying to say, if you keep a cat then you will develop a patience which will help you to deal with your lover. If your love isn’t giving you enough attention then you should be patient and wait for your lover to change.

Changement in lover is not always means that he doesn’t care about you and look after you. He may be busy in other work and that is why doesn’t focusing on you. If you will fight with him at such time then it will lead both of you to separation.

Cats returns to their litter trays when they need to. Lovers are like that only, when they will be needed their beloved then they will return to them for sure. Then your importance will increase for them. Cats does not says anything wrong to their enemies by standing on windows.

So we should be like cats and shows cool and indifferent behavior. Cats eyes are of green color usually and their green eyes possess coldness and surprise. Cats stare are very unique and coldd and when they stare a human it feels like they are scaring you.

When we look at the staring eyes of cats, it teach us to die alone. It makes us prepared to die alone. Cats staring eyes reflect unique coldness, the way cats look at us without blinking it gives us feeling of loneliness. It make us realize that we are alone in life. 

In poem, poet has given a very beautiful example of Cat’s quality and how human we can use their qualities to make our life better. By keeping a cat, woman will develop a change gradually which will make their relationship better with their lover.



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