Anandamath is Bengali Historical Novel written by Indian novelist and poet, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee. The novel was originally published in 1882.
“Anandamath By Bankim Chandra Chatterji”

“Summary of Anandamath By Bankim Chandra Chatterji”
The novel story is based on Sannyasi Rebellion which happened between 1770 to 1777. Anandmath is a most important novel among Bengali and Indian literature. The story of novel begins with main character, Mahendra, a landlord who belongs to super rich family.
Mahendra is married to a woman named Kalyani. Mahendra and Kalyani has one daughter, Sukumari. Mahendra lives in Padachihna along with his family. Mahendra’s village, Padachihna’s villagers are going through a tough time. Even Mahendra’s family who are landlord has no grain to eat.
Mahendra’s villagers are leaving Padachihna and going towards city while few are going towards forest side. So Mahendra as well decide to go Calcutta with his family. On the way to Calcutta, Mahendra came across a village where he goes to find milk for his daughter.
As Mahendra went to village in search of milk, few robbers comes and kidnapped Mahendra’s wife and his daughter. Mahendra lost his consciousness, he started shouting his wife name loudly. He goes everywhere in village to find his wife and daughter.
A group of Britishers were passing the village, they came across Mahendra. The Britishers thought Mahendra is man of Sannyasi Rebellion. So without questioning Mahendra, they arrest him. On the other side, Mahendra’s wife, Kalyani and Sukumari are still in the custody of Robbers. The Robbers starts fighting among themselves, so Kalyani get a chance and runs away from their custody with her daughter, Sukumari.
By running from robbers, Kalyani and Sukumari came across a Asharam of Sannyasi in forest. These Sannyasi are a group of Rebellion who are rebelling against British East India Company. Sannyasi called themselves a Santaan of Bharat Mata.
The story now introduces new character, Mahatma Satyanand, a leader of Sannyasi Group. Satyanand arranges food and shelter for Kalyani and her daughter in his shelter. Satyanand promised Kalyani that he will find his husband and bring him to her.
Satyanand orders his disciple Bhawanand to start a search of Mahendra. Bhawanand doesn’t take much time to find Mahendra. He finds Mahendra and bring him in a shelter of Satyanand. Satyanand wants Mahendra to participate in his Sannyasi group. It is because Mahendra belongs to wealthy family so he would be very helpful for Sannyasi group.
After coming in Ashram, Mahendra meets his wife and daughter and learns everything about Sannyasi Rebellion. To become a Sanyasi, Mahendra have to abandon his wife and daughter behind as it is a first step of becoming a Monk. Mahendra wanted to join Sannyasi Rebellion but he can’t leave his wife and daughter. So he denied to join Sannyasi group.
When Kalyani get to know that Mahendra denied to join Sanyasi Rebellion because of her, she felt very sad. When Mahendra and Kalyani were leaving their village, she kept poison in her bag to get rid of the hard time. When Mahendra and Kalyani were resting at night, their daughter drink poison by mistake. After Sukumari, Kalyani also drink poison and died with her daughter.
When Mahendra saw a dead body of his wife and daughter, he started crying loudly. Suddenly, police officers came and arrest Mahendra by considering him as a Sanyasi. Mahendra request them to let him do a funeral of his wife and daughter but they doesn’t listen to him and bring him to police station.
No one can understand Mahendra’s pain, he is in such situation where he can’t even do a funeral of his wife and daughter. Kalyani and Sukumari’s body are still lying on sideway of road, two monk came across them, first monk, Jiwanand saw that mother has died while daughter is alive so he takes Kalyani’s daughter with her. Jiwanand takes Sukumari to his sister’s house who has no children.
After some time, second Sanyasi come across a body of Kalyani, he touches her veins and find out that she is still alive. He runs towards forest to find Medicines for her cure. He gives Medicine to Kalyani and after some time she wakes up.
When Kalyani come into consciousness, she saw that her daughter is not with her. She thought some wild animal has taken her daughter. Satyanand arranges shelter for Kalyani at his brother’s house. On the other side, Satyanand takes out Mahendra out from jail with the help of his disciple.
Thereafter, Satyanand started teaching Sanyas lessons to Mahendra. Mahendra wasn’t ready to join Sanyasi group because of his wife and daughter. So according to his information, his wife and daughter are not alive so without hesitation he agrees to join Sanyasi group on Satyanand request.
Satyanand told Mahendra that you should go back to your village and strengthen it. I will send best weapon makers into your village who will help you in making weapons. On Satyanand orders, Mahendra returns to his village, Padachihna.
The story now shift focus to Jiwanand, who is like a right hand to Satyanand. Before joining Sanyasi Group, Jiwanand was married to a girl named Shanti. Shanti was very beautiful woman who had warriors quality. When Jiwanand was joining Sanyasi group to fight for his country, he swore an oath that he will never meet his wife, Shanti.
When Jiwanand was taking Sukumari to his sister’s home for her treatement, he met his wife, Shanti there. When Shanti saw Jiwanand, she couldn’t resist and request Jiwanand to take her with him to join Sanyasi group. As women are not allowed to join Sanyasi group because its too risky especially for husband and wife. Shanti disguise herself as a man and enters in Sanyasi group without letting know Jiwanand.
Afterwards, Jiwanand recognize Shanti but doesn’t tell anyone as he loves his wife. Jiwanand knows he is betraying his Sanyasi family as he knows about her wife but still doesn’t telling anyone about it.
When Jiwanand realize his mistake, he tries to sacrifice his life in battlefield. Sanyasi group is becoming stronger day after day as many people are coming forward to join it. One day, British army learns about the location of Sanyasi group in forest, they attack on them and both side fought ruthlessly.
In the end, Sanyasi won the war but at great cost. After fight, Mahendra reunites with his wife and daughter who didn’t died. Shanti and Jiwanand live together against their oath and lost in forest far away from villages.
Frequently Asked Questions : –
What was the title of the first English translation of Anandamath ?
When Anandamath was translated to English it was given the title of “The Abbey of Bliss”.
In which part of Bengal is the novel Anandamath sets ?
The Story of “Anandmath” takes place in Bengali village, Padachinha ( 1770 – 1777 )
In which year Anandamath was written ?
Anandamath by Bankim Chandra Chatterji was written in year 1982.