A Pinch of Snuff is a short story written by Famous Indian author, Manohar Malgonkar. A Pinch of Snuff is a comical and adventurous story.

Summary of A Pinch of Snuff By Manohar Malgonkar
Manohar Malgonkar “A Pinch of Snuff ” story begins with Narrator’s mother who told him that his maternal Uncle coming to their home to live with them for 2-3 days. The Narrator’s maternal Uncle name is Nanukaka. Narrator’s mother ask him to pick Nanukaka from station.
Narrator is tensed as he don’t want to meet Nanukaka, he ask his mother to tell his maternal uncle not to come to their home. But Narrator’s mother love her brother, Nanukaka so she don’t want to listen anything wrong about her brother.
When Narrator ask his mother, why Nanukaka is coming to their home ? Her mother tells him that he is coming to meet Minister. The Narrator replied how can he meet Minister as he is just a normal person while Minister is Minister.
Narrator’s mother tells him that if his brother wants to meet Minister then he would meet him for sure. The Narrator is under secretary on probation who has been taught to treat Minister as a God. Afterwards, Narrator goes at station to pick his Nanukaka.
Nanukaka comes with Kitten in his bucket. Nanukaka told Narrator that he purchased third class ticket for himself but he travelled in second class. It is because he became friend with ticket collector and then he came travelling in second class. Through this little experience, we can understand that Nanukaka is good at influencing people and making his own ways for himself.
Nanukaka is coming home in vehicle with Narrator, he ask Narrator about his meeting arrangement with Minister. You are under secretary so you can at least arrange my one meeting with Minister. The Narrator told Nanukaka that he is under secretary, that to on probation period so setting a interview or meeting with Minister is not possible for me.
Thereafter, Nanukaka took a pinch of snuff and get lost in his on thoughts. When Nanukaka reach home then Narrator’s mother get very happy after seeing Nanukaka. But Narrator doesn’t like Nanukaka. As well as Narrator is angry with his mother as she give his room to Nanukaka.
So Narrator is quit sad. Next day, Narrator takes Nanukaka to wellfare Minister office, where Nanukaka talks with people for 2 hours. After 2 hours, Nanukaka comes out abusing in his native language, he told Narrator I worked hard to meet Minister but office staff doesn’t let him meet and ask him to come after 3 days. Afterwards, Nanukaka again starts abusing office staff in his native language.
Narrator and Nanukaka was going home, suddenly yellow color car passes by them and someone from that car wave at Narrator. Nanukaka ask Narrator, who is waving at you ? Narrator told Nanukaka that person is Ratiram, a son of Lala Sohanlal Ratiram who is party boss at Delhi.
As soon as Nanukaka learns that Ratiram is a son of Lala Sohanlal Ratiram. He immediately made a plan to meet them. Narrator ask Nanukaka, how can you meet a party boss as he is a very senior person. Nanukaka ask Narrator not to worry as it is his responsibility to meet them.
Nanukaka ask Narrator to bring formal blazer and wear turban on his head. Let’s change our dresses and meet them by wearing Royal dresses. Narrator don’t want to go but Nanukaka force him so he ends up going with him.
When Nanukaka reach Lala Sonhanlal home, their secretary ask him who are you ? Nanukaka respond to him in casual way they came to Delhi to participate in Landlord conference so after meeting I decide to meet Lala Sohanlal Regarding votes.
Nanukaka influence secretary to meet Lala Sohanlalal. Afterwards, Secretary takes them inside home to meet Lala Sohanlala. Nanukaka is able to heard a sound of Lala Sohanala smoking Hookah.
Through which Nanukaka understand that Lala must not be busy. To get Lala’s attention, Nanukaka tries to influence him by talking loudly about Hazrat Bakar Ali. Hazrat Bakar Ali is an Ambassador who is looking after Lala’s son work.
When Lala ji heard Hazrat Bakar Ali name, he immediately comes out to meet Nanukaka. He started talking with Nanukaka respectfully. Lala tells Nanukaka about his son, Ratiram, who was going foreign country with the help of Hazrat Bakar Ali. If you can help me with it then it would be really helpful for me. Nanukaka tells him that yes offourse I can help you as Hazrat Ali is my good friend.
After some time, Lala ji ask Nanukaka, do you also know welfare Minister ? Nanukaka replied No, I don’t know him, is he your friend ? Lala ji gets very happy and started insulting Minister in front of Nanukaka. Lala Ji tells him, I tried to marry my son with his daughter but he denied my son’s marriage proposal, even though I’m the only person who helped him in getting Minister ticket. Minister told me that he can’t marry his daughter with my son, as he is looking for Royal Family for his daughter.
Nanukaka ask Lala Ji for which state Prince and what Kind of Prince, Minister is looking for. Which Royal family they are looking for ? Lala Ji replied there is place called Ninnore where Royal family lives, there Minister wants to marry his daughter.
But Ninnore Royal family is not much interested in Minister’s marriage proposal. Nanukaka got what he needed from Lalal Ji. Thereafter, Nanukaka comes out from Lala Ji’s home. Afterwards, Nanukaka tells Narrator that tomorrow they will go at welfare Minister’s home and you will also come with me. The Narrator don’t want to go but he knows his Nanukaka so he agrees to go with him.
Nanukaka say, we will not go like this, we need to change our look before going at Minister’s home and we also need a big car. They rent a big car and wore a dress of Royal Priest. Narrator and Nanukaka both were looking like a Real Royal Priest.
The Narrator and Nanukaka goest at Minister’s home in big car. They told Minister’s servants that they don’t want to disturb Minister sir, they just need a visitors book. In visitors book, Nanukaka wrote that they are a personal pandit and astrologer of King Ninnore. They wrote the address of Narrator’s home and left Minister’s home.
Nanukaka and Narrator doesn’t meet Minister, they just wrote their name and address in visitors book and left Minister’s home. Next day, Narrator and Nanukaka were drinking tea, and saw Minister’s at their home. The Welfare minister himself came at Nanukaka’s home to meet them.
The Minister mistook Nanukaka to be a Priest of Ninnore, he thought Royal Family has send this priest to meet him. Thereafter, Nanukaka and Minister talk for a while at Narrator’s home. After some time, Minister returns to his home. As soon as Minister left, Nanukaka also decides to go back his home as he came to meet Minister, he met him so now I should also return my home.
The story of novel ends with Nanukaka who go back to his home after meeting welfare Minister in just 3 days. It is not easy to meet Minister,it takes weeks or month to meet them but Nanukaka is Nanukaka, he meet Minister in just 3 days by influencing people with his story.
Who took a Pinch of Snuff ?
The Narrator’s maternal uncle, Nanukaka took a Pinch of Snuff when he was talking to him about meeting Minister.