The Sun Rising is famous poem authored by English poet and scholar, John Donne. The poem was originally published in 1633 in the collection of “Songs and Sonnets”. The Sun Rising is 30 lines poem divided into three 3 stanzas of 10 lines. The main theme of poem “The Rising Sun” is authority of love.
“The Sunne Rising Summary By John Donne”

Summary of The Sun Rising By John Donne
In the poem, poet talks with sun and complains to him for rising daily in morning. The poet is not happy with rising sun and he complained to him why do you come daily to disturb me and my wife. You go from here and disturb somebody else. Leave me and my beloved alone.
The poem begins with the conversation of poet with sun, you are busy and not in control of anyone, why do you come every morning through our house windows and curtains and wakes us up. Why you do this?
Do we lovers need to make our routine by your movements, do we need to change our routine according to your motions ? You are rude, abusive and non sensitive. You neither care and nor understands anything. Go and make fun of those boys who are getting late for their school. Or make fun of those people who don’t want to go their office. Go and disturb them, why are you disturbing me.
Go and tell the King’s hunters that King will go for hunt today. Go tell farmers to starts farming their fields. Love is above in all form than seasons and climates. The changing seasons cannot affect love as it won’t change no matter what, then who are you. As well as hours, days and months also doesn’t affect on it. All these things are like time’s old clothes which will pass but it won’t make any change on love as it will remain the same.
You think that your sunlight is holy and strong, why do you think like that ? I could stop your sunlight with the blink of my eye, but I doesn’t do it because I can’t live without watching my beloved so long. Just because of this reason I does not stop your sunlight.
If my beloved’s eyes shine have not blinded your eyes shine then look and tell me late tomorrow. The Lover who is lying with me is very special and my whole world is in her and both “Indias of Space ” are in her and every King is part of her. Here poet is trying to say that his beloved is most special person in the world.
My lover is every states and Kingdom and I’m the King of all those kingdoms and nothing else exist. This is the only truth. Other princes just copy us and tries to compete our love. They are nothing. No one in the world get as much as wealth which I got from this love. Here poet says to Sun that you should also feel the half happiness of our love.
You are old and you should do your work slowly- slowly, as it is your duty is to keep the world warm and you can do this keeping two of us warm because the whole world lies in two of us. Shine to us through which you can you shine on the whole world. Our room’s bed is your center and these walls of my room are boundaries of your solar system.
Conclusion : In the poem author accused sun because it rise every day in the morning and disturb his beloved’s sleep. He also tells about the strength of his love, how the whole world lies in him and his beloved.
ABOUT AUTHOR : John Donne was an English Metaphysical poet born in 22 January 1572. John was famous for his work Sonnets, Love poems, Religious poem and Satires Sermons. His famous work includes Death be not found, The flea and The Good Morrow.