The Canonization is a poem written by Metaphysical poet, John Donne. The poem was originally published in 1633 in the collection of “Songs and Sonnets”. The Canonization Summary is 45 lines poem consist of 5 line stanzas. The main theme of poem “The Canonization” is power of love and death.
Summary of The Canonization Poem By John Donne

Summary of The Canonization By John Donne
The Canonization means to declare a person officially recognized saint. John Donne believes that he will also be canonized. It will happen because of his true love.
The story of poem starts with poet who says for God’s sake keep your mouth closed and lemme me love you. Or if you want you can make fun of my palsy or gout. Or you can make fun of my 5 Grey hair or you can make fun of my destroyed fortune.
Your situation can be improved by money and your mind can improve by creating beautiful arts. Or you can improve your life by taking your mind off from my life. You should start taking these steps.
As well as it would teach you something valuable about life and maybe you get a place through that. You can focus on King’s honor or his elegance. It may help you to know about reality of King. You can choose what you will approve so you can let me love you. If you would be busy in these things then you won’t disturb my love life.
Tell me who is sad or hurt by my love. What ships my sighs have drowned. Or is there any flood because of my shedding tears on land. Or my coldness have removed any coming spring. Have you seen any of these types of changes because of my behavior.
When did the heats of my veins have increased the problem of plaguy bill. Are these things increasing because of me ? Or are you facing any kind of problem because of my problems ?
Me and my lover is busy in our love, so do you facing any kind of problem because of our love. Or are you facing problem in work or your ships are drowning in sea because of our love. We both are just busy in loving each other. Then why are you focusing on our love.
You can call me and my lover whatever you want to because we don’t care. If you want you can call me and my lover an flying insect, we are like candles who will one day burn out on their own. We see two birds in us one is eagle and second, dove as sometimes we are hunter and sometime we become prey. Our love is like that.
We both are like phoenix bird who can die in love fire but we would reborn again through ashes. When we will be reborn then we reunite again as our love will connect us. We die together, and rise again together and through this we will prove our love mysterious. We will tell the world how unique and pure our love is.
If we can’t live because of our love then we would die. And people will write poems by remembering our love. If we does not come in any chronicle book then we will build space for ourselves in sonnets. We will receive respect for our love through sonnets. Through our love poems, people would agree that we are canonized for love. Our love was so true and inspirational that everyone has canonized us.
The people who canonized us will thus prove us; Your revered love has made each others love a Holy place. The Love is not like anymore which poet has imagined. The kind of love poet used to have is no longer there in the world because no one can loved like poet.
You have spread your love in the world in such a way that everyone epitomize you. Everyone wants to love like you. Your love was ideal love so everyone is looking for that love. Countries, towns and courts are begging for the same love as you used to have for your lover.
Conclusion : In poem, poet consider his love very superior and as well as he consider it ideal. The poet also believes that today’s generation cannot love the way he loved. Therefore, we should leave poet and his lover alone.
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