Still I Rise is a poem written by famous American memoirist and poet, Maya Angelou. The poem was originally published in 1978 in collection “Still I Rise”. The main theme of poem “Still I Rise” is oppression and beauty of black color.
And Still I Rise Poem Summary By Maya Angelou

Summary of Still I Rise Poem By Maya Angelou
In poem poet tells us about a time when Black Color was seen as slavery as black color was symbol of Slavery. The poet is itself an example, even though she is black but she is growing and shining in life. She is becoming an inspiration to her relative, friends and neighbor by leaving her slavery days behind and rising in life.
The story of poem begins with poet who says if you want you can write anything about me in history with your lies. If you want you can bury me in land but I will rise again like a dust. You can’t keep me bury in dirt. Does my boldness make you distress ?
And that is why your face is looking troubled and upset. Because I walk like I don’t care what people think or say about me and have abundance money in my room. I always look happy and positive so why are you so sad.
The way moon and sun brings tides in ocean, I will rising again like those tides which brings hope in life. You can’t keep me buried because I will rise again and again. Do you want to see me sad and heartbroken ? Do you want to see me cry ? Does my pride make you sad and jealous, you don’t need to be sad because I always walk like as I have got gold mines in my backyard of my house. I’m happy with my life then why are you getting offended by seeing me happy.
If you want you can shoot me with your words as whenever you speak it seems like you are shooting me with gun, and your eyes prick me in such a way that it feels like it is killing me. If you want you can kill me with your hate, you can destroy my life but I will rise again like an air. I will rise the way air rise in sky.
Does my beautifulness, sexiness and happiness make you sad ? When you see me do you feel like that I have got diamonds in my thighs. I have spent my life in those house where history is shameful as my ancestors were slave so I will leave all of them behind and rise.
I have such past where my ancestors have only endured the pain so I will leave that also behind and rise. I’m like an black ocean which is spreading and can’t be stopped by anyone. It will keep spreading and go wherever it wants to.
The fear, pain and problems which my ancestors have endured, I’m leaving all that behind and rise. Those days will never come into my life as I’m welcoming only beautiful and happy days. I’m bringing with myself those gifts which my ancestor gave me, I’m bringing their quality and grace. I’m giving hope to all the slave people as I’m like a dream and hope for them so I must rise.
In poem author tells us about the condition of black people, how painful their past was and how much trauma they have faced. But now time have changed and poet itself is an example of change.