Postcard From Kashmir is a poem written by Indian-born American poet, Agha Shahid Ali. The poem was originally published in 1982 in poet’s collection “Half Inch Himalayas”.
Postcard From Kashmir Poem By Agha Shahid Ali

Summary of Postcard From Kashmir By Agha Shahid Ali
The story of poem centers around a life of poet who is longing for his home, Kashmir. Agha Shahid Ali lives in America and he doesn’t came to India for many years and neither he visited his birthplace Kashmir.
One day, poet receives postcard from Kashmir, when he saw a photo of Kashmiri Himalayas in it, it reminds him of his home. The writer has a doubt If he returns to his home place, will his house be the same like he left it ?
The story of poem begins poet who has received a postcard from his homeland, Kashmir. In post card, there is one beautiful picture of Kashmir which has captured all the beauty of Kashmir. I always loved cleanness and I love more Kashmir as it is very beautiful and Neat & clean.
Now I have a photo of Kashmir Himalayas. This is my home and I’m very close to Kashmir by keeping this photo in my hand. I can’t return to Kashmir, even If I return I don’t think so my home would be there and Kashmir would be like I left it.
When I return to Kashmir, then its color won’t be that much beautiful. Here poet is trying to say, Kashmir is losing its true beauty because of the ongoing wars and problems. The Jhelum’s water won’t be so clean and neither it would be ultramarine.
Whatever I remember about the Kashmir it won’t be same again. I’m far away from my homeland, Kashmir, and this postcard keep me close to Kashmir and reminds me about my home. When I return to Kashmir, my love for it will overexposed and everyone will know how much I love my Kashmir.
My memory will be little out of focus as I still remember Kashmir of my time, and I will compare my times Kashmir with today’s Kashmir. The Kashmir that poet remembers is still capture in his camera and he remember Kashmir through that photos only.
The poet has fear when he return to Kashmir then maybe he does not able to recognize his birthplace because of it changing environment and color. For poet, Kashmir is like paradise whose river water is neat and clean and as well as very beautiful and amazing.
Agha Shahid Ali is an Indian-American Kashmiri poet who was born in 4 February 1949. Agha Shahid famous works includes “A Walk through the yellow Pages”, “The Half-Inch Himalayas”, “The Country without a Post Office” and “Room are Never Finished”.