O Captain my captain is a poem written by American poet and essayist, Walt Whitman. The poem was originally published in 1865. The poem is published in Whitman collection ” Leaves of Grass”. O Captain My captain is 24 lines poem divided into 8 line stanzas.
O Captain My Captain Line By Line Explanation By Walt Whitman

Summary of O Captain My Captain By Walt Whitman
O Captain my Captain poem is an elegy on 16th American president, Abraham Lincoln. In poem, author has considered America like a ship and Abraham Lincoln as a captain of ship. As well as poet is like one of sailors from ship. When ship reaches its destination then everyone starts celebrating in happiness but poet find his captain dead on deck of a ship.
O Captain my captain our fearful and challenging journey is done, our ship has passed through every storm and challenges we came across and the price we sought is won. We are near to our destination, people are welcoming us by ringing bell and everyone is happy and celebrating. Everyone is looking at the ship which is very brave and daring.
But my Heart! Heart! Heart! looking at the bleeding drops of blood of my captain who is lying dead on the deck. My captain is dead and his body has turned cold. The ship we were travelling through has won, we won the prize, everyone is celebrating but my heart is sad and crying as my captain is lying dead on deck of ship.
O Captain my Captain please wake up and listen the rings of bell which are coming from ashore. Rise up my captain because for you people are flying the flag and ringing the bugle for you. For you, they have ordered flowers and ribbons, for you the crowd is gathered at ashore.
This crowd is calling your name and wants to meet you only and their faces are looking for you everywhere in the ship. They all wants to meet you desperately. Here my captain my father, I should put my hands beneath your head so you get some rest. I must be dreaming if you have fallen dead on the deck. Everyone is waiting for you to welcome you with flowers, ribbons and bells but you are fallen cold on deck.
My Captain doesn’t respond, his lips has faded, he is not feeling my arm beneath his head and there is no alive pulse left in his body. The ship has been anchored safe at shore and its destination is completed. After fearful and victorious trip ship has returned with its rewards.
Let everyone celebrate and ring bells, but I’m in sad mood walk by the deck where my captain lies fallen cold and dead. Even though everyone is celebrating from ship but I’m sad and my speed has reduced because my father figure captain is dead.