A Tiger in the Zoo is a short poem written by Welsh poet, Goerge Leslie Norris. It’s a 20 lines poem which is divided into five quatrains. The rhyming scheme for each quatrains is ABCB. The main theme of poem is Freedom and Animalism.

Summary of A Tiger in the Zoo By Leslie Norris
Leslie Norris has compared zoo Tiger with different-different surroundings. The story of novel centers around a life of Tiger who is captured in Zoo. The poem begins with Tiger who is captured in cage but even in cage he is walking like a true king and stalking people.
As well as it has vivid stripes on his body which are very bright. When he walks, he doesn’t make any sound but still has rage. Here poet trying to say, even though Tiger is caged but still he walks like King and has anger in his mind.
Tiger shouldn’t be in cage but in dark shadows. He should be hiding in darkness. He should walk so slow in grass that it look like he is sliding in it. Tiger should hide in deep grass near water pond where deer comes to drink water.
He should roar around the small houses located near forest as it is near to his Kingdom. Tiger should shows his white big fangs to scare villagers. He can terrorize whole village by showing his white big fangs and claws.
But it can’t happen as he is locked up in concrete cell. It isn’t in his strength to break cage bars. Poor Tiger doesn’t have tall grass to roam so he just stalk in his cage and ignore all the visitors who comes to see him.
At night, he hears a sound of cars who patrol zoo animals. He look at sky stars at night with his brilliant eyes. Tiger look at stars because he wants to be free again. He look at the freedom which is taken away from him.
George Leslie Norris was a Welsh poet and short story writer who was born in 21 May 1921. Leslie was awarded with couple of awards like David Higham Memorial Prize, the Katherine Mansfield Memorial Award and the AML Award for poetry. His famous work includes Holy Places, The Girl from Cardigan and Finding Gold.