A Girl Called Golden is a poem written by English Actor, David Bateson. The poem explore the themes of Self-Love, friendship and appreciating one’s qualities.
A Girl Called Golden Summary By David Bateson

Summary of A Girl Called Golden in English
David Bateson “A Girl Called Golden” poem story revolves around a life of girl named Betty Cuthbert, an Australian passionate athlete. She was a fastest runner who had a great passion for running and has won 3 Gold medals in 1965 Olympics Game in Melbourne.
She won her fourth Gold Medal at 1964 Olympics in Tokyo. In poem, poet is calling Betty Cuthbert, a Golden girl because when she won four Gold medals in Olympics, she was given the nickname “Golden Girl” by Australian crow.

“In the first stanza of poem, poet is asking questions to Betty Cuthbert. Why you run when your school friends were walking ? Why you run fast when your friends starts to run ? Why were you training yourself hard while your friends were playing. Why are you hard on yourself while your friends are enjoying. What’s the secret in running that you made you train harder.”

“The second Stanza of poem is about the answers of first Stanza. Was it the feel of the fresh air and Sunshine, that’s why you run. Was it the stir of the breeze in your hair, that’s why you run. What made you so special that made coach chose you over others. What was special about you that coach chooses you. Was it because you had a courage to spare.”

“You showed your great will when your muscles were aching. Here poet mean to say, Betty work hard on herself even when her body was in intense pain. You never care about the people what they think about you or say about you, you were always focused on your single biggest goal of your life.”

“During the time of Olympics, you were in your teenage but received appreciation from everyone. You won three Gold Medals in Olympic which was a result of your hard work, dedication, determination and perseverance. You won three gold medals in your teenage and made your country proud. It was the time to remember the rest of the years for which she worked hard to attain at that age.”