Summary of The Song of India By VK Gokak

The Song of India is a poem written by Indian writer, V.k Gokak. The main theme of poem, “The Song of India” is “beauty of India”. In poem, poet wants to sing a song for his mother India.

The Song of India Summary By VK Gokak
Summary of The Song of India By VK Gokak

Summary of The Song of India By VK Gokak

The story of poem begins with poet who ask his mother India, which song should I sing for you ? Should I sing of Himalayas with snow born peaks. Or should I sing about your three seas which are washing your palm. Or should I sing of your clear dawn with its pure gold streaks ?

So now mother India calmly replies to writer, Sing of the beggar and leper who are swarm in my streets. Sing of the garbage and dirt which have filled my forest. The poet ask, what song shall I sing of you my mother India ? Should I sing of your ancient stone temples. Or Should I sing of your Soldiers who died protecting you from foreigners. Or should I sing of the seers and prophets that hewed the straight path for the man that pilgrims alone ?

Mother India replies furiously which hit my ears like a bell and make me feel pitiful. I was feeling pity for myself when mother India replies in anger. Mother India tells poet to sing about the people who are working super hard in life.

Sing of the old peoples who did not receive any education and now they are living in ignorance. Sing for the helpless children who are born in bleak and dark home. The poet says I am nervous but still I have to ask mother India as it is my job so again I ask, What song shall I sing of you, mother ?

Should I sing about the Dam and Lake ?, Or Should I sing about steel mills, and ship building yard ? Or should I sing for the people who work hard ? Should I put you on the page of Atomic Age generation ? My mother India replies, yes you can sing about these things but also sing of the strikes, early and late.

Or Sing about the class war and its correlates ?, I complaint in fighting mood, is there no song which I can sing about you with my heart and unalloyed. Here poet mean to say, Can I sing that type of song in which there is only praise ? I want to sing a that type of song for you which is only about your praise and has no mixture of bad things.

On this, Mother India stands up, white oceans are roaming around her and their waves producing a light which has made a throne where she was sitting. She was sitting on her throne and writing the book of Morrow. It is dawn time and Sun is showing sight to her. The Sun morning light is falling like a blessing of god which is saving us from all types of pain.



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