She walks in Beauty is a poem written by British poet, Lord Byron. The poem was originally published in 1815. She Walks in Beauty is a 18 lines poem which is divided into three stanzas. The theme of poem is beauty where poet is praising a beauty of woman.
She Walks in Beauty Poem Appreciation By Lord Byron

Summary of She Walks in Beauty By Lord Byron
In 11th June 1814, Lord Byron went to a party in London where he saw one very beautiful girl named, Anne Beatrix Wilmot. When Byron meet Anne, he was impressed by her beauty even though she was married. Lord Byron was so attracted to Anne’s beauty that when he returns home, he started writing romantic poem about her.
The story of poem begins with Lord Byron who is praising Anne’s beauty in his poem, when she walks, she look very beautiful, her every moment is beautiful and amazing. The poet is comparing Anne with dark night and saying you were looking very beautiful that day like stars in the clear sky. The best qualities of Darkness and brightness are falling on her and making her looks and eyes more beautiful.
The poet says neither much darkness nor brightness look good but the combination of these two enhance the real beauty. The stars do exist in day but we cannot the beauty of it in day, we can only see their beauty at night. That’s how, the combination of dark and bright enhance the beauty.
If there is more dark or more brightness then it would spoil the beauty. There should be perfect combination of bright and dark. When there will be perfect combination of bright and dark then the beauty will increase so much that we won’t be able to describe it in words.
The poet says her hair are very delightful, when her hair gently touches her face it look like she is an angel and her expressions are innocent like an angel. She is pure like a diamond who has no hate for anyone just pure love.
The writer says her forehead does not have any type of anxiety, tension or arrogance. Her forehead is soft, calm and lovely. She is a calm person from inside and outside. Her smile can win anyone’s heart and make anyone them fall in love with her, her color is clear and glowing.
Looking at this beautiful girl seems that she must have done a lot of good things in life. That’s why god has given her such beauty. Her mind is very calm which has no anxiety or hurt, and her heart is innocent like a child.