Summary of “Of Truth” By Francis Bacon

Of Truth is a famous essay written by Francis Bacon. The essay was originally published in 1625. Of Truth essay explores the theme of importance of truth in human being life.

Summary of "Of Truth" By Francis Bacon

Summary of “Of Truth” By Francis Bacon

The story of an essay begins with writer who say, people loves to change their opinions as they benefit from it. The people change their opinions time to time because by doing this they don’t need to stick to one principle and they also get the freedom do and think anything. So the question is why people doesn’t like truth ?

People don’t like truth not because it takes hard work to find the truth but they doesn’t like it because when people find truth it restrict their mind and takes freedom away from them. So that is why people go against the truth. The poets lies as they wants to give pleasure to their reader through poetry and businessman lies for their personal gain.

So, why people lie for their personal gain ? The people loves to lie because truth shine like a sun light which shows how much person is truly worth. If you go out in day, you looks clear and honest but night’s dim light makes person colorful and attractive, so the truth is like a daylight while lie is like a night dim light. The People likes to live a confused life as it makes their life interesting.

One of the church priest said, the poetry contains imagination which fills people mind with confusion and doubts, so the poetry is a wine of devil. Devil is a father of lies and poetry is his wine. Therefore, poetry is aligned with Devil. The writer say, poetry lies isn’t so harmful because it doesn’t leave its lasting impression to anyone. The lies are naturally born in peoples mind which convince them to take harmful actions.

Bacon asks, what is the value of truth in Human life ? Bacon believes the people who knows the true value of truth are the ones who understand it and experienced it. The best quality person can have is his knowledge about truth and belief in it. Bacon writes, god made senses light first through which we can see from our eyes, and at the end, god made light of reason so that human become intelligent and rational faculty comes into him.

The greatest pleasure a person can have in his life is the realization of truth. The height of the truth cannot be conquered but if conquered truth height then you can survey how people are doing mistakes by lying. If you find the value of truth then you should not boast. If you want to live a heavenly life on earth, then you should do three things. First, love for charity, belief in god, and elegance for truth. 

Truth plays an important role in people day to day life. The mixture of lies and truth help us in winning. For example, you would never find pure gold in Gold shops as Gold contains mixture of other metals and they mix it with other metal to make it strong. Therefore, sometimes people had to lie for their their own benefits. So the mixture of truth and lie is important. Truth does not fear god who is keeping an eye on everyone, but liars fear everyone.




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